PTE Writing- Tips and Tricks

The 1st part of PTE consists of Speaking and Writing. This section should take between 54 and 67 minutes to complete and has seven distinct types of questions. Here we will be talking about the structure, tips, and tricks of PTE Writing.

Go through these links for PTE ListeningPTE Reading, and PTE Speaking Format and Tips.

PTE Writing Format/ Structure

After completing six questions of the Speaking Test, the writing portion will start. The writing portion consists of two main tasks; Summarizing written text and an Essay.

You’ll have 10 minutes to respond to the summary text. After reading the paragraph of 150-200 words you have to write a one-sentence summary of the passage, the prompt length should be 5-75 words.

And, for the Essay, you have to complete it in 20 minutes and have to write about 200 to 300 on the said topic.

Writing Tips for Summary

Keep Your Response Short

A summary is a condensed version of a longer work. You must provide all of the important details. The examinee must write, underline, or highlight the important points.

Don’t Include Your Ideas

Even if you’re familiar with the text’s content, don’t use any external notions from your comprehension. You must only provide the information that is provided in the text.

Two-Step Reading

Reread the full paragraph to make sure that you understand what is being conveyed. When you’re reading it for the second time, make a list of no more than 15 keywords and phrases, and disregard the rest of the text. Each step should only take a minute or less.

Create a Complex or Compound sentence out of Keywords

You must respond to the inquiry, “Who did what?” and should adhere to one of two forms.

One independent clause is combined with one or more dependent clauses, with commas expressing the differences between them, to make a complicated sentence.

Compound sentences are formed by connecting separate clauses with conjunctions such as and, but, if, and so on. The use of commas denotes the separation of sentences.

Don’t copy the whole sentence

Make sure you don’t use the same terms as in the text—you’ll need to utilize synonyms and new phrases to describe the same meaning.

Don’t make references to the paragraph

“The text/paragraph states…” should not be included in your response.

Use correct Grammar and Vocabulary

To describe the entire paragraph, only one sentence is required. And, to construct a complicated sentence, you must utilize commas, conjunctions, and connectors. Do not come to a complete stop until the very end.

Don’t write two sentences

Only write one sentence, with a capital letter at the start and a full stop at the conclusion.

Writing Tips for Essay

Maintain Simplicity

Keep your answer simple and answer around the topic. The major ideas of the content will almost always be repeated and evaluated in your text. You won’t get a point if you don’t describe the meaning or purpose.

Plan Your Points

You have 10 minutes to Summarize Written Text and 20 minutes for Essay writing. So, think and plan before you write.

Use the “Right” Format

It’s just as crucial to use the proper and correct task structure as it is to use the right and correct content. Try to select a suitable format for you and practice typing it.

Write clear and concise paragraphs

For clear and concise explanations, you must practice and develop your writing skills and typing speed. Always be on the lookout for grammatical faults and inaccuracies that could result in a score deduction.

Work on your Weakness

Practice more to decrease your common mistakes and also look out for your weak points.

Avoid the Jargons at All Cost

Because the PTE is an academic exam, avoid using colloquial language as much as possible in the PTE Writing portion. If possible, use the templates to expand your vocabulary so that you don’t have to rely on the terms you use every day.

Improve Your Vocabulary

A good vocabulary, as well as other skills, are vital in PTE writing. If you want to improve your PTE score, you’ll need to have a strong grasp of your vocabulary. Reading articles or news items is the best approach to increase your vocabulary.

Present a Logical Sequence of Ideas

Always write about the topic and give your answers in a logical order while writing an essay. Also, while writing about something, make sure to include a reasonable explanation and conclusion.

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