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PTE Academic: Common MISTAKES to Avoid

During a PTE Academic exam, most candidates overlook simple errors that will lower your band score. So, here are some common mistakes to avoid throughout the PTE Academic exam.

The PTE Academic Exam is a computer-based English language competency exam that is widely accepted across the world. This exam assesses test-takers language abilities to aid educational institutions, government agencies, and non-profit organizations that demand a standard academic English language competence. So, to get a good score you must avoid common mistakes during the PTE Academic exam.

Also Read: Tips and Tricks of PTE Reading, PTE Speaking, PTE Listening, PTE Writing

The PTE Academic Exam is divided into 3 parts: Speaking & Writing, Reading, and Listening. These three sections are further separated into tasks. In addition, the entire PTE Academic exam must be completed in no more than 2 hours and 15 minutes.

For some applicants, this test may be a harrowing experience, and they may make mistakes on the specific segment. But, by being a bit more cautious, you may easily avoid making common mistakes during PTE Academic Test.

Some of the most common mistakes to avoid throughout the PTE Academic Exam are given below:

PTE Academic: Common Mistakes To Avoid

Don’t be too fast while speaking

Always speak at a comfortable pace. When you speak fast, it might affect your pronunciation and fluency score. So, keep in mind that speed does not necessarily imply fluency.

More focus on spelling and punctuation

Spelling and Punctuation are the very necessary details that the test takers have to pay close attention to. Mistakes in spelling and punctuation can lower your PTE score, and you can’t afford to neglect such common errors in a PTE Academic Test. As a result, plan ahead of time to prevent making such little errors.

Not making use of the notepad

Making notes during the PTE Academic Test will help you to ease your pressure. As a result, don’t overlook the use of notepads. You should jot down some crucial phrases that you hear. Frequently, test takers fail to utilize the notebook to jot down essential data or words, making it harder for them to recall them when answering questions.

Must read the question carefully

Multiple-choice and select multiple responses questions use a negative marking scheme. As a result, after reading the questions, you must carefully select the answers. Only select the answers that appear to be appropriate.

Don’t forget to check your answers

Always double-check your answers and make it a practice to review them to avoid making any mistakes. Those errors could be grammatical, structural, or simple punctuations mistake.

Incorrect use of Tense

When describing a situation, PTE candidates unintentionally use the incorrect tense, and these tiny errors will lower your overall PTE score. For example, instead of using the simple present tense, use the present continuous tense.

Avoid filler words

Don’t use filler words like ‘ahh,’ ‘umm,’ etc. when thinking about the response. It will have an adverse effect on the fluency score. Make some template words for speaking to prevent such fillers. You will automatically avoid unneeded sounds as you start to practice using the template words.

Don’t pause for a long time

Pausing for a fraction of a second is fine, however in PTE-A, don’t pause for more than 3 seconds, or the microphone will turn off. Then nothing you say will be recorded. So, keep these points in mind when administering the Speaking test.

Stick to the word limit

If you don’t stay inside the word limit and write in a precise and succinct manner, your score will suffer. Focus on summarizing written text and essays while staying within the word limit. While composing the essay, limit yourself to 200-300 words and get a good score.

Don’t use colloquial terms

Some test-takers make the mistake of employing colloquial terms when taking the PTE-A test. In all areas of the test, it is wise to utilize academic and formal language. The PTE-A requires you to speak in a formal, academic tone.

Avoid speaking in breaks

Organize your thoughts and use entire phrases while speaking. Your response will not be recorded clearly and will not be noted if you mumble while speaking. As a result, keep your speed constant and regular; this will give you time to collect your thoughts before speaking.

Focus more on: –

  • Reading: Reordering Paragraphs
  • Listening: Summarize a spoken text
  • Speaking: Describe an Image
  • Writing: Writing an Essay

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